MYR1 Tukar Kepada CNY Buy / Ship For Me Kadar: 1.48

Singapore Normal Shipment Temporary Stop 新加坡普货暂时暂停

Tarikh Terkini: 2021-08-09 16:24:00

Dear all customer,

We received the news from air agency that Singapore normal air shipping will temporary stop from 2021-Aug-10 (Tuesday) cause stop flight to Singapore.

Thus we had to stop normal shipping to Singapore, if need air shipping to Singpore only can select sensitive shipment.

Thanks and sorry for any inconvenient. If back to normal we will annouce again.


接航司通知,受疫情影响近期新加坡普货航班停飞,因此我司决定从2021年  8 月 10 号 (星期2)开始,暂停新加坡普货空运渠道。


为此造成的不便敬请谅解,如恢复将第一时间通 知大家,感谢大家的理解和支持!

		Selamat Sejahtera,
  • Kami syarikat berdaftar.
  • Menjamin setiap Transaksi.
  • Memberi anda jualan terbaik.
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