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Anonymous: J******w
Date: 2015-01-01 01:00:28
Ship By
Tracking No.:0106825***
Packed Parcel Actual Photo:
Actual Photo
Date Sent Out : 2014-10-31
Receive Date : -
Parcel Delivery Speed :
Super Fast
Delivery Person Attitude :
Have Custom Tax or EDI : -
Our Warehouse Review:
Parcel Packing Quality :
Day Spend For Packing : 1 Day
Parcel Packing Speed :
Order Number: O1413***** Seller: ADIDAS CN
No. Picture Item Review Seller Packing Customer Uploaded Photo
1. Picture
Day Spend For Order : 0 Days
Our Order Speed :
Seller Packing Quality: :
Item Quality: :
Seller Packing Photo
Customer Comment:
Admin Reply:
Thanks for your support and your review, we will continues improve our business process
Order Number: O1414***** Seller: forever21官方旗舰店
No. Picture Item Review Seller Packing Customer Uploaded Photo
2. Picture
颜色分类: 粉红色/白色
Day Spend For Order : 1 Days
Our Order Speed :
Seller Packing Quality: :
Item Quality: :
Seller Packing Photo
Customer Comment:
颜色比起想象中深了点 东西还可以
Admin Reply:
Thanks for your support and your review, we will continues improve our business process
Order Number: O1414***** Seller: luoguangxing1
No. Picture Item Review Seller Packing Customer Uploaded Photo
3. Picture
颜色分类: 浅绿色 尺码: 均码,宽松款
Day Spend For Order : 1 Days
Our Order Speed :
Seller Packing Quality: :
Very Good
Item Quality: :
Seller Packing Photo
Customer Comment:
卖家给的资料好像比实际衣服的实码偏大了点。实际衣服的肩宽很小 不能穿。非常后悔买但是衣服真的好看 看来只能送人了啦。。。
Admin Reply:
Thanks for your support and your review, we will continues improve our business process
Order Number: O1414***** Seller: ttt388
No. Picture Item Review Seller Packing Customer Uploaded Photo
4. Picture
颜色分类: 主图片豆绿色 尺码: 均码(高品质,热卖中)
Day Spend For Order : 1 Days
Our Order Speed :
Seller Packing Quality: :
Still Ok
Item Quality: :
No Good
Seller Packing Photo
Customer Comment:
还以为很厚 但收到了后?发现太薄了啦
Admin Reply:
Thanks for your support and your review, we will continues improve our business process
Order Number: O1414***** Seller: yoyo枫枫8
No. Picture Item Review Seller Packing Customer Uploaded Photo
5. Picture
主要颜色: 条纹 尺码: M
Day Spend For Order : 1 Days
Our Order Speed :
Seller Packing Quality: :
Item Quality: :
Seller Packing Photo
Customer Comment:
嗯。。好看 喜欢
Admin Reply:
Thanks for your support and your review, we will continues improve our business process
Order Number: O1413***** Seller: 薇荨vision
No. Picture Item Review Seller Packing Customer Uploaded Photo
6. Picture
Day Spend For Order : 0 Days
Our Order Speed :
Seller Packing Quality: :
Item Quality: :
Still Ok
Seller Packing Photo
Customer Comment:
喜欢 可是容易落 有点小失望。。
Admin Reply:
Thanks for your support and your review, we will continues improve our business process
No Good
Still Ok
Very Good
Very Fast
Super Fast
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