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Anonymous: Z******n
Date: 2014-12-26 01:00:22
Ship By
Tracking No.:0106825***
Packed Parcel Actual Photo:
Actual Photo
Date Sent Out : 2014-10-25
Receive Date : -
Parcel Delivery Speed :
Very Fast
Delivery Person Attitude :
Very Good
Have Custom Tax or EDI : -
Our Warehouse Review:
Parcel Packing Quality :
Very Good
Day Spend For Packing : 0 Day
Parcel Packing Speed :
Very Good
Order Number: O1413***** Seller: yzjmwjd
No. Picture Item Review Seller Packing Customer Uploaded Photo
1. Picture
颜色分类: 棕卡卡鼠 尺寸: 一物三用大毯子
Day Spend For Order : 2 Days
Our Order Speed :
Seller Packing Quality: :
Item Quality: :
Seller Packing Photo
No Good
Still Ok
Very Good
Very Fast
Super Fast
No Meet Up
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