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MYR1 Convert To CNY Buy / Ship For Me Rate: 1.48
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Anonymous: E*******2
Date: 2015-02-03 01:00:47
Ship By
Tracking No.:0106999***
Packed Parcel Actual Photo:
Actual Photo
Date Sent Out : 2014-12-02
Receive Date : 2014-12-20
Parcel Delivery Speed :
Still Ok
Delivery Person Attitude :
Have Custom Tax or EDI : 179.16
Our Warehouse Review:
Parcel Packing Quality :
Very Good
Day Spend For Packing : 1 Day
Parcel Packing Speed :
Very Good
Customer Comment:
Lack of mediator to act on behalf dealing with custom officer. Communication was a failure in between agent/custom/courier staff. Also, ordered for items in blue colour but was replaced with white colour without prior notice. Apart from these, everythihg is fine.
Admin Reply:
Hi,When you submit the shipment,we recommend you can choose our checking service .if got any problem will solve at the first time.
If got any problem when you receive the item,pls go to your order report the problem.
We cannot guarantee any after sales can success but we will try our best to do.
Customer Uploaded Photo:
Order Number: O1417***** Seller: hzf99_1986
No. Picture Item Review Seller Packing Customer Uploaded Photo
1. Picture
颜色分类: 白壳灯光:黄色
Day Spend For Order : 0 Days
Our Order Speed :
Seller Packing Quality: :
Item Quality: :
Seller Packing Photo
2. Picture
颜色分类: 白壳灯光:绿色
Day Spend For Order : 0 Days
Our Order Speed :
Seller Packing Quality: :
Item Quality: :
Seller Packing Photo
3. Picture
颜色分类: 白壳灯光:蓝色
Day Spend For Order : 0 Days
Our Order Speed :
Seller Packing Quality: :
Item Quality: :
No Good
Seller Packing Photo
Customer Comment:
Blue candle was replaced with white candle wihtout prior notice.
Admin Reply:
Thanks for your support and your review, we will continues improve our business process
4. Picture
颜色分类: 白壳灯光:红色
Day Spend For Order : 0 Days
Our Order Speed :
Seller Packing Quality: :
Item Quality: :
Seller Packing Photo
5. Picture
颜色分类: 白壳灯光:粉红色
Day Spend For Order : 0 Days
Our Order Speed :
Seller Packing Quality: :
Item Quality: :
Seller Packing Photo
No Good
Still Ok
Very Good
Very Fast
Super Fast
No Meet Up
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