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Anonymous: a********s
Date: 2024-07-27 01:30:02
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Tracking No.:1212211***
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Date Sent Out : 2024-05-26
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Day Spend For Packing : 1 Day
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Customer no give any review, system auto review as good rate
Order Number: O1716***** Seller: 嘉曼宝工厂
No. Picture Item Review Seller Packing Customer Uploaded Photo
1. 2024 Spring and Summer New Handheld Woven Bag Hobo Bag Tote Bag Women's Large Capacity Simple All-match Armpit Bag 2024春夏新款手提编织包Hobo包托特包女大容量简约百搭通勤包腋下" alt="Picture" class="cart_itemimg picCss" data='!!2217000147441-0-cib.jpg_160x160.jpg' width="60" height="60" />
Color 颜色: Coffee 咖啡色
Dimensions 尺寸: 41*7.5*20.5
Day Spend For Order : 0 Days
Our Order Speed :
Seller Packing Quality: :
Item Quality: :
Seller Packing Photo
Customer no give any review, system auto review as good rate
2. 2024 Spring and Summer New Handheld Woven Bag Hobo Bag Tote Bag Women's Large Capacity Simple All-match Armpit Bag 2024春夏新款手提编织包Hobo包托特包女大容量简约百搭通勤包腋下" alt="Picture" class="cart_itemimg picCss" data='!!2217000147441-0-cib.jpg_160x160.jpg' width="60" height="60" />
Color 颜色: Black 黑色
Dimensions 尺寸: 41*7.5*20.5
Day Spend For Order : 0 Days
Our Order Speed :
Seller Packing Quality: :
Item Quality: :
Seller Packing Photo
Customer no give any review, system auto review as good rate
No Good
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Very Good
Very Fast
Super Fast
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